Date/time of update: March 1, 2025, 4:11 am, Timezone: GMT+7 Few Clouds Temperature: 31.15°C Temperature feels like: 35.96°C Minimum Temperature: 31.01°C Maximum Temperature: 31.15°C Atmospheric pressure: 1012hPa Humidity:63% Visibility: 10000m Wind speed: 3.09m/sec Wind Direction: 100 degrees Cloudiness: 20% Sunrise: 2025-02-28 11:08:19 Sunset: 2025-03-01 11:03:29
Ho Chi Minh City is the official name of Saigon, the biggest city in Vietnam. Ho Chi Minh is also among the most popular cities in Vietnam for travelers to the country. The city is huge and it is always good to be in the center which includes mostly District 1. From District 1, dining areas, shopping quarters, entertainment outlets... are just within walking distance.
Below is a list of popular hotels in Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam.
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