Thanh Pho GJa Nang Holiday Weather today
Date/time of update: March 11, 2025, 1:27 am, Timezone: GMT+7
Broken Clouds

Temperature: 21.95°C
Temperature feels like: 22.81°C
Minimum Temperature: 21.95°C
Maximum Temperature: 21.95°C
Atmospheric pressure: 1016hPa
Visibility: 7000m
Wind speed: 2.06m/sec
Wind Direction: 330 degrees
Cloudiness: 75%
Sunrise: 2025-03-10 10:58:44
Sunset: 2025-03-11 10:56:58
Da Nang has a tropical monsoon climate with two seasons per year: dry season from late February through July, rainy season from late August through January. From December through January, Da Nang experiences relatively cool temperatures (18-22oC) and from April to August, sometimes September, Da Nang has hot temperatures (28-40oC).
Travel Guide to Da Nang Weather, Best time for Beach Holidays
The dry weather in Da Nang is attributed to strong Southwesterly Wind or weak Southeasterly Wind. The strong Southwesterly Wind is dry and hot which often causes heat strikes in Da Nang during the dry season from April through July, sometimes August. During the dry season, the Southeasterly Wind may sometimes be dominant and it causes short-lived showers with thunderstorms in the summer.
The Non Nuoc Beach of Da Nang, Vietnam
The rainy season in Da Nang is attributed to the cool Northeasterly Monsoon. This humid and cold wind blows to Da Nang and substantially weakened by the high mountains to the north of Da Nang (south of Thua Thien Hue Province). There are also high mountains to the west of Da Nang which blocks the wind accumulating clouds. This means long-lasting rain in the rainy season and cool temperatures.
As mentioned because of the terrain of Da Nang that the cold wind is less cold passing over the Hai Van Pass that the winter in Da Nang is not quite cold compared to the northern side of the pass. Also it does not rain as much in Da Nang as in Thua Thien Hue. The average annual rainfall of Da Nang is about 2,500mm.
From October through November, sometimes December, Da Nang may be affected by tropical depressions or typhoons. It may rain for several days when affected by a typhoon or tropical depression which may cause floods and landslides in the mountains. Da Nang is a coastal city/province and may suffer the worst damage by a typhoon. Most of the rainfall of Da Nang is found in these two months.
Temperatures in Da Nang by month
- January: some sun, clouds, some rain, 17-31oC.
- February: dry, sun, clouds, pleasant temperatures, 18-29oC.
- March: dry, sun, clouds, pleasant temperatures, 23-30oC.
- April: dry, sun, warm temperatures, 24-35oC.
- May: dry, sun, some short-lived rain, hot temperatures, 25-38oC.
- June: dry, sun, hottest temperatures, some short-lived rain, 28-39oC.
- July: dry, sun, hottest temperatures, 28-38oC.
- August: dry, sun, t-storms, some rain, hot temperatures, 26-38oC.
- September: little sun, clouds, rains, pleasant temperatures, 24-35oC
- October: some sun, often torrential rains, sometimes possible typhoons, pleasant temperatures, 22-32oC.
- November: often torrential rains, cold temperatures, 22-29oC.
- December: some sun, often rains, cold temperatures, 16-28oC.
The best time to visit Da Nang
The best time to visit Da Nang is from late January through April during which it is fairly dry weather with sun and with pleasant or more tolerable temperatures. During this time visits to key attractions in Da Nang City are extremely pleasant. Those planning to go to Ba Na Hills, then the temperatures are cool all year round anyway.
The turquoise blue sea of Da Nang, Vietnam
If you like to go on family beach holidays, then the best time is from March through July. The sun may be very strong from May through July which makes it not possible to go to the beach at mid day.
Due to climate change that there are some fabulous days in August and September when it is transitional time between the two seasons. Prices for tourist services are much lower in the rainy season than in the dry season.
Da Nang weather and climate