Tinh Cao Bang Holiday Weather today
Date/time of update: November 21, 2024, 6:20 am, Timezone: GMT+7
Clear Sky
Temperature: 23.34°C
Temperature feels like: 22.98°C
Minimum Temperature: 23.34°C
Maximum Temperature: 23.34°C
Atmospheric pressure: 1017hPa
Visibility: 10000m
Wind speed: 1.81m/sec
Wind Direction: 100 degrees
Cloudiness: 9%
Sunrise: 2024-11-20 11:13:02
Sunset: 2024-11-21 10:11:04
The Thung Mountain (Sacred Eye, Angel's Eye Mountain) is in Quoc Toan Commune, Tra Linh District, Cao Bang Province. The Thung Mountain (Sacred Eye, Angel's Eye) is 50m higher than the Thang Hen Lake and is on an elevation 650-700m above sea level.
Travel Guide to the Thung Mountain (Sacred Eye, Angel's Eye), Cao Bang
The Thung Mountain is part of Cao Bang geopark. The mountain has a hole through of which the diameter is 50m. In front of the mountain there is a vast pasture of which part turns into a lake in the rainy season (July-September). There are several mountain peaks, lakes and streams around the Thung Mountain which make the landscape here just so captivating!
The idyllic pasture in front of the Thung Mountain has recently been a popular campsite for young Vietnamese travelers. Families could have a great weekend amid idyllic nature here.
Things to do
1/ Hiking Tours
There are several walking trails and hiking trails around the Thung Mountain for those who have some sense of adventure travel.
2/ Camping Tours
It is possible to go camping on the pasture in front of the Thung Mountain. The scene is very lovely during the dry season when the whole area is a pure pasture without lakes or ponds.
How to get there
The Thung Mountain (Sacred Eye, Angel's Eye) is 32km northeast of Cao Bang City. From Cao Bang, follow Route 3 for 20km to the Ma Phuc Mass, then head straight onto provincial route 205 for 5km and turn right at the Primary School of Quoc Toan Commune, travel for nearly 4km further, then turn left and travel straight to the Thung Mountain (Sacred Eye, Angel's Eye) which is at the end of the route.
Alternatively you can take a hiking trip from the Thang Hen Lake to the Thung Mountain on an extremely scenic mountain trail which is 2-3km.
Cao Bang weather and climate