Quang Ngai Vietnam
All information related to Quang Ngai Vietnam: travel guide, things to do, holidays, vacations, tours, weather and climate, pictures, hotels and accommodations, tourist attractions.
Go Co Village, Quang Ngai Travel Guide
The Go Co Village is in Duc Pho Town, Quang Ngai Province. The village is in the heart of one the most important ancient cultures in Vietnam: The Sa Huynh Culture.
Ly Son Island, Quang Ngai Travel Guide
The Ly Son Island also known as Cu Lao Re is 40km from Quang Ngai City. The island was once part of the brim of an active volcano. A specialty of the island is black garlic.
Quang Ngai Travel Guide, Places to See
Quang Ngai is located in the Central Coast (Central Region of Vietnam). Quang Ngai had not been visited by tourists much until recently.
Quang Ngai Weather
Quang Ngai has a tropical monsoon climate with two seasons per year: dry season from late February through July, rainy season from late August through January. From December through January, Quang Ngai experiences cool temperatures (18-22oC) and from May to August Quang Ngai has hot temperatures (28-40oC).
Vietnam Adventure Travel – A Smart Choice for Vietnam Holidays
Vietnam is getting to be too hot a travel destination after a couple of decades the country is open to the outside world. There is no doubt tourism has helped the local economy tremendously and millions of people have benefited from participating in tourism business in Vietnam. The question is for how long it is going to be that way?